
What key programmer can programme the transponder key? AD900

A transponder key, is a type of car key, by basic definition is a device that transmits or accepts data from another device. By attaching a transponder to a device, you're determining that at some point you'll need to find that device. The transponder key either receives or emits a predetermined frequency that is only recognized by the device that is supposed to recognize it.

 If you lose your keys, it's important to get a new set from your dealer or a locksmith soon after you lose them, and reprogramme it as soon as possible.

 Then how to program a transponder key? Here is the instruction.
 1. You will first need to purchase a transponder chip key.
 2. Next you will need to have the transponder key cut like the original.
 3. Now it is time to program the new key. You will need both of the programmed keys that came with the vehicle. If you have both keys, put one of the already programmed keys into the ignition. Turn the ignition to RUN but do not start the engine. After the security light on the dash goes out, remove the key. Put the next already programmed key into the ignition and turn the key to RUN, but do not start the engine. Wait until the light on the dash goes out. Remove the key.

 If you do not have both of the programmed keys that came with the vehicle, you absolutely need one AD900 Pro Key Programmer. Ths AD900 with 4D copier, is kind of the universal key programmer can read out and has detail explanation for transponders, can program the eeprom of ECU and programming key.

 1. 4D pincode explanation function.
 2. Support on copying these transponder: 13,33,T5,40,41,42,44,45 and 4C.
 3. Can write and unlock for the special transponders: change the pincode for Kia and Hyundai, unlock the ID 48 Transponder, ID 33 for Renault, ID 46 for Renault, ID 41 for Nissan and ID 42 for VW.
 4. Can use to program the EEPROM on the ECU.
 5. With the Hitag 2 function.

 Today, vehicles around the world are equipped with a number of technologies that are offered for safety and convenience. Kinds of auto key programmers that were new updated in very short time, and also support more and more car models. We should take advantages of these to protect our cars. Xcardiag.com offers most kinds of car key maker, transponder Key programmer and key copier machine wholesale.

